All GTA, all day, since 2012

Hassan Sajid

Hassan Sajid // Articles: 106

Hassan has been playing games ever since he was a kid. He started off with the PSX and PS2 and now games on a PC. Although he graduated with a degree in process operation & maintenance engineering from the National University Science & Technology (erstwhile known as Caledonian College of Engineering), his love for gaming never faded with his engineering study endeavors. Hassan's first Grand Theft Auto game was Vice City and ever since that he has been hooked on the Grand Theft Auto Series. Ultimately, GTA San Andreas is Hassan's favorite. Along with GTA games, he is a huge fan of the Call Of Duty series, as well as Assassin's Creed and Red Dead Redemption 2. As a guide writer and videographer, Hassan leverages his technical knowledge and gaming passion to create comprehensive guides that helping fellow players master GTA games. His engineering training combined with his passion for gaming gives his content a unique advantage. For deeply informative gaming guides created by a technical expert and lifelong fan, check out Hassan’s content library.

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