What would make you decide to not buy the game(s)?


New member
Apr 21, 2024
I am new here, hi - hello. I joined to basically ask a few questions but it looks cool here so I might stick around.

Anyways, my questions:

So I am assuming most everyone here has purchased and played GTA 5. I am sure most also intend on buying GTA 6...

What about either game would you consider a deal breaker in purchasing and playing?
What would have made you decide against purchasing GTA 5 or caused you to regret your purchase?
What would make you decide against purchasing GTA 6 or have you regretting it?

You can answer for both games or one game, doesn't matter. Just doing some investigating of my own with certain game titles.
At this point, I am not sure with GTA 5. It has been out for too long.

For GTA 6, I guess a few things would make me decide not to purchase it right away such as the story being meh and the price being increased. I would wait for a sale in that case and just play online.

For me not to buy it, they would have to drastically ruin it which I can't see happening. Or charge us monthly to play online. I would not bother in that case.
For GTA 5, it probably would have been a boring story. I would not have gotten it if it was not fun to play. It was not as fun as GTA 4 but I still enjoyed it. I would have eventually played online though even if I didn't like the story.

GTA 6... Same thing. If the story sucks, I won't bother but will just wait to play online.
If the story sucks and the game is loaded with glitches. I can't see online being good if this is the case for the base game so I would likely just skip it and not look back. I know a lot of people did that with Cyberpunk. While they did fix the game eventually, they lost a lot of fans.
For me, I think I'd first see the gameplay and the fluidity of the mechanics. That's my top consideration. However, the story holds equal significance. If you're not invested in the story, then how can you connect with the characters of the game, and how can it be a memorable experience? Take GTA San Andreas for instance, it has some of the most memorable characters including the protagonist (CJ).

At times, a game's narrative compensates for any shortcomings in gameplay, turning it into a classic!
If the story sucks, I am not going to buy the game. Simple as. I will probably buy down the road to play online but I am not going to pay full price for a game I don't intend on playing the core function of the game.
I honestly don't care so much about the story these days. I am looking forward to the online end more than anything. So even if the story is mid, I will still buy the game. I guess the price would factor in. If the game is more than $70, I will not be buying it right away. Even then $70 is already too hang high. Games should be $50 considering the cost of consoles these days and accessories.
I can look past a mid story. I am almost used to stories in games not being anything exciting. I would focus more on the mechanics, length, and how much time I feel I can enjoy it after the fact. I know we will eventually get online but if the game releases and gets enough bad review then I would probably wait to just get it when online is available.
If the story sucks, I won't get it. If it is filled with real world social politics and pandering, I won't get it. If they up the price, I would wait to get it.
Even if the story is not great I will still play the game only assuming the mechanics are good. If they changed it too much and for the worse I won't get it or if it is loaded with bugs and stuff, I won't buy it right away.
So story, mechanics, and price seem to be the most important. That makes sense.

Anyone with any other reason outside these?
So story, mechanics, and price seem to be the most important. That makes sense.

Anyone with any other reason outside these?
Outside of those things, I guess I would say the company itself doing something bad. Maybe it comes out that they were abusing their staff or they were taking dirty funding from evil people. Not very likely to happen at this point but it is something I would have and issue with.
Outside of those things, I guess I would say the company itself doing something bad. Maybe it comes out that they were abusing their staff or they were taking dirty funding from evil people. Not very likely to happen at this point but it is something I would have and issue with.
I can understand that. I have seen a lot of companies do some shady things over the years and even in recent time. I would not put it past anyone anymore!
If they do some sort of BS where they make you pay way more to actually get the complete game. I would straight up tell them to shove it and wait for a sale lol
So I only ever played GTA 5 and people told me to go back and play the older titles. I beat GTA 4 and LOVED IT! I am now playing with cheats and mods and still having a blast. I think for them to get me to not want to buy GTA 6, it would just have to be completely different in all the worst ways from both of these titles. Horrible characters, boring story, and the other modern gaming crap that is ruining other titles. If it ends up being bad I still have plenty of other GTA games to play through that are from the past so they better be careful! lol