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The McTony Robbery Guide & Challenges

Full guide on how to do The McTony Robbery with all the bonus challenges.

In The Chop Shop DLC, Rockstar Games introduced a new series of heist-style robberies that give players the opportunity to earn extra in-game cash on a weekly basis.

To participate in these new heists, you’ll first need to become the proud owner of the Salvage Yard business in GTA Online. Also, it’s important to note that there is a weekly limit of three Chop Shop heists per player. Additionally, once you successfully complete a specific job in the series, you’ll have to wait a full week before you can tackle that particular mission again.

Each heist in the Chop Shop DLC comes with a set of bonus challenges and the same is true for the McTony Robbery. Completing one of these challenges will net you an extra $10,000, while finishing all three will reward you with a sweet $20,000 bonus. If you manage to conquer all the bonus challenges, you’ll walk away with a cool $50,000 in total ($10K for each challenge + the $20K bonus).

This guide is designed to help you master The McTony Robbery, the final and most challenging heist in the Chop Shop DLC. We’ve broken down the process into easy-to-follow steps and included valuable tips to help you crush those bonus challenges. For visual learners, we’ve also embedded a video guide above that walks you through the entire heist from start to finish.

Scope Out: Submarine

There are three main points of interest that you must photograph and send to Jamal. You will be asked to go to Elysian Island to scope out a submarine and its equipment.

When you get to the location, it is best to eliminate all the guards in the area so that you can peacefully scope out the submarine.

You can easily take them out using a Buzzard or an Oppressor Mark II. You can also use the Armored Kuruma if you own one.

Point of Interest 1

The first point of interest is the sonar equipment.

Sonar equipment point of interest.

Point of Interest 2

The second point of interest is the submarine schematics on the table.

Submarine schematics point of interest.

Point of Interest 3

The third point of interest is the landing pad exit on top of the submarine.

Landing pad exit point of interest.
Once you’ve scoped out all three points of interest, return to salvage yard to complete this scope out mission.


Tasks are mandatory important missions that must be completed before you can do the final robbery. All tasks are mandatory except one.

The tasks are laid out on the planning screen at your Salvage Yard. However, you cannot start tasks from the planning screen.

The tasks are found in free roam and you must go to each task’s location to start it. The tasks are indicated by a green duffle bag on your map.

You can complete these tasks in any order.

When you go to a task location, you will see a green highlighted circle on the ground.

Walk up to the green marker, and you will get an option to interact with it to start the task.

For the McTony Robbery, you have two mandatory and one optional task.

Task 1: Cutting Torch

In this task, you must steal a cutting torch from the marked location.

You will be asked to find the cutting torch in a highlighted area when you get to the location. It can be a bit tricky to locate it.

However, you need to keep an eye out on top of the containers, crates, and general machinery.

We found the cutting torch on top of an electrical switch. It took us some time to find it because of the snow introduced in the December update of GTA Online for Christmas.

The color of the cutting torch is red, but it sort of blended in with the environment due to snow.

Another confirmed location where you can find the cutting torch is on top of the cement bags under the shade in the highlighted area.

Cement bag location.

Once you’ve acquired the cutting torch, return to the salvage yard to complete this task.

Delivering the cutting torch to the salvage yard.

Task 2: Security Outfits

This task has a random location as well. You can either get the Del Perro Pier at Vespucci Beach or the Chumash Pier. We got the Chumash Pier.

When you get to the pier, you will be asked to locate and steal the security outfits.

Chumash Pier.

The security outfits are inside a crate that will be on the ground around the perimeter of the pier. Check for a crate by the walls and the fence railing at the pier.

The security outfits will be marked when you get close enough.

Steal the security outfits and return to the Salvage Yard to complete this task.

Delivering the security outfits to the salvage yard.

Task 3: Masks (Optional)

This is a completely optional mission and won’t affect your heist in any way. However, if you’d still like to complete it, you can.

You must go to the Vespucci Beach mask shop and purchase any mask set.

Vespucci Movie Masks location.

Once you’ve purchased a mask set for the final robbery, your task will be registered as completed.

It will also be crossed off on the planning screen at the salvage yard.

Planning Work

Planning Work missions are mandatory missions you must complete to do the robbery.

These are the primary setup missions.

There is always one optional disruption mission that helps make your final robbery mission relatively easier. You can start all your planning work missions from the planning screen by accessing the computer in your Salvage Yard.

As with all the robberies, The McTony Robbery also has two mandatory and one optional planning mission.

Planning Work 1: Tony’s Submersible

In this planning mission, you must go to Elysian Island and steal Tony’s submersible. This will be used to reach the underwater submarine with our target vehicle in the finale.

When you get to Elysian Island, you will find a lot of security guards.

It is best to take out the security team before you go for the submersible.

If you have an Oppressor Mark II, use it to quickly take out the enemies. A Buzzard will also work just fine.

Once you’ve taken out the security team, go to the top of the crane to use the release switch.
Release switch.

Once you use the switch, the submersible will be released and drop into the water.

Released submersible.

Now, you might have an idea of jumping off the crane into the water, but

    do not

do it. You won’t make it and will instantly die.

It is best to take the ladder back down the crane, jump into the water, and swim to the submersible.

When you get inside the submersible, you will get the drop-off location.

Drive it to the drop-off point to complete this mission.

Planning Work 2: Sonar Equipment

In this mission, you must go to a designated location and break into the warehouse to steal the sonar equipment.

Once again, when you get to the location, it is best to take out all the enemies outside the warehouse.

We got the Millar’s Fishery.

Once you’ve taken the guards out, head inside the warehouse and eliminate the guards there.

Warehouse entrance.

Take out the guards inside so you can search the crates for the sonar equipment.

Taking out the guards inside the warehouse.

After taking out the guards inside the warehouse, get close to the wooden crates, and you will get an option to break them open.

Crate inside the warehouse.

There are 4-5 wooden crates, and the sonar equipment can be in any one of the crates. The crate is always random.

We got lucky and got the sonar equipment inside the first crate we broke open.

Once you’ve acquired the sonar equipment, deliver it to your Salvage Yard to complete the mission.

Delivering the sonar equipment to the salvage yard.

Planning Work 3: Disrupt Weapons (Optional)

This is an optional mission. However, we recommend you complete it as it weakens your enemies’ weapons during the robbery. Navigating the narrow spaces of the submarine while fighting your way to the vehicle can get quite hectic and dangerous. It is best to minimize the difficulty as much as possible.

Like the other robbery disruption missions, you only get 10 minutes to complete this mission. It is best to use a Buzzard or an Oppressor Mark II for this mission.

First, you need to break into a lockup. The lockup will have some enemies outside guarding it.

Eliminate the guards outside the lockup.
Lockup entrance.

Head inside the lockup, and you will find some more enemies.

Kill them as well.

Once you’ve defeated the enemies, use explosives to destroy the weapon shipment inside the lockup.

Using a sticky bomb to destroy the weapon shipment inside the lockup.

After destroying the first shipment inside the lockup, you must find a laptop.

You can locate the other weapon shipment locations when you interact with the laptop.

Head over to the remaining three weapon shipments and destroy them to complete this mission.

Some weapon shipments will be stationary while the others will be moving around the city.
Destroying the last weapon shipment will automatically complete the mission.

The McTony Robbery

Once you’ve completed all the mandatory preparatory missions, you can start The McTony Robbery from the planning screen of your Salvage Yard.

First, you must go to Paleto Cove to get inside the submersible.

The submersible at the Paleto Cove.

Once inside the submersible, take it towards the sea (as marked on your map). It is best to keep your submersible up as driving towards the sea (and eventually the submarine), as driving it underwater is extremely slow.

You can go underwater when you reach the submarine.

When you get near the submarine, descend underwater. If you’re having trouble going underwater, release the ‘forward’ button and only press the ‘descend’ button.

We had to learn this the hard way, where our submersible kept resurfacing.

Go under the submarine, and you will get a prompt to board Tony’s submarine via the moon pool.

Interact with it to enter the submarine.

When you’re inside, get your weapon out and take out the guards that you see ahead of you. One of the bonus challenges is to get over 15 headshots.

So, ensure you eliminate the enemies by shooting them in the head.

After taking out the guards, go down a set of stairs just after them and use the cutting torch to open the sealed door to the engine room.

Stairs going down.
Opening the sealed door to the engine room with the navigation systems.

When you get inside the engine room, you will find three guards. One will be to your immediate left above you on the platform. Two more guards will be deeper into the room at the end.

Guard to your left.
One of the other two guards.

Once you’ve taken the guards out, you need to destroy the navigation systems inside this engine room. There are four navigation systems. 

Destroying the navigation system deeper into the engine room.

It is best if you start with the one which is deeper into this room. This is because as soon as you destroy the last one, you must quickly find Tony’s head of security. One bonus challenge is finding the head of security within one minute.

The navigation system by the entrance of the engine room. Best to leave this one for last.

Once you’ve destroyed the final navigation system, backtrack to where you originally came from and go to the opposite end as quickly as possible.

Stairs on the opposite side from where the guards were.
Opening the sealed door.

The timer to find the head of security starts as soon as you see the prompt at the bottom of your screen. Getting to the sealed door on the opposite side of the room before the prompt helps us shave some time off.

There are three locations where the head of security can spawn, and where he spawns is always random. Jamar will also send you a picture of what the head of security looks like.

Since you have limited time to check all three locations, you can follow our optimized path to cover all three in one go while also moving towards the follow-up objective of this robbery.

Let’s begin.

Head of Security Location 1

When you go through the sealed door, you will find two guards to your right – one on the upper floor at the end of the stairs and the other at the bottom, just on the left side of the stairs.

Take them both out.

Stay on this level and continue moving forward while clearing the enemies.

One of the guards on your right as you move forward.

At the end, you will reach a dead end, which is a jail cell room. The head of security can spawn inside this jail cell room.

And luckily for us, he did spawn for us inside the jail cell room.

Once you’ve found the head of security, ensure that you get close enough for him to be registered as “located,” or else the timer for the bonus challenge will continue to run.

You’ll know the timer has been stopped once the prompt to “Locate Tony’s head of security” changes to “Eliminate Tony’s head of security.”

He has a lot of health, so use a shotgun or explosives to take him out.

Once you’ve taken him out, search his body for the control codes and continue moving forward.

If you’ve not found the guard in the jail cell room, continue following our route below, which is also the way you have to go, regardless.

Head of Security Location 2

Leave the jail cell room, and you will find a set of stairs to your left, taking you to the upper deck.

Stairs on your left after leaving the jail cell area.

Go up, and you will find some more guards ahead of you. Take them out.

Guards across the mess hall.

Now, you will enter the mess hall area with the kitchen. Be careful of the two guards on your left when you enter the mess hall.

Guards on your left inside the mess hall.

The head of security will spawn in the kitchen cooking area behind the counter.

The second spawn location of Tony’s head of security.

Head of Security Location 3

If the head of security didn’t spawn here, continue moving forward into the locker room area right after the mess hall area.

First, turn left and take out the guard with the shotgun.

The guard on the left side of the locker room when coming from the mess hall.

Then turn right. This is the final possible spawn location for the head of security.

Turn right when coming from the mess hall for the third spawn location.
Third spawn location of the head of security.

Once you’ve got the control codes from the head of security’s body, move forward through the locker room area and exit from the right side.

Once out, go upstairs using the stairs at the end.

When you get up the stairs, take out the guard on your right.

The guard on the right.

After that, turn left, which will take you to the submarine bridge.

You will find a lot of guards inside the bridge. Take them all out.

Once you’ve taken care of the guards, insert the control codes to gain access to the submarine controls.

The terminal where you insert the control codes.

After that, access the helm of the submarine to take control of it and crash it onto the beach.

Interact with the helm to control the submarine.

You won’t be able to change its direction, you can only propel it forward by holding the vehicle acceleration button.

Accelerating it forward.
Crashing the submarine onto the beach.

Continue moving through the bridge, and you will come across another sealed door and a guard on your left.

Continue moving forward here.
Take out the guard on your left.

From here, no need to go down. Just open the sealed door to get to the vehicle on the landing pad.

Sealed door to the landing pad.
Landing pad area with our target vehicle.

When you enter the landing pad area, you need to access the terminal inside the security room next door to activate the landing pad.

However, before you do that, open your map and mark the location of the Paleto railway tunnels. We will go inside the tunnel to lose our 4-star wanted level. We are marking it ahead of time because as soon as we’re outside the submarine, we will be surrounded by many cops. And we won’t get a good opportunity to mark the location without getting shot at from all angles.

Paleto tunnels map location.

There will be one more guard inside the security room.

Take him out as well.

Interact with the terminal to activate the landing pad.

You can keep track of the activation progress by looking at the progress bar at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Once activated, enter the Fathom FR36 vehicle and leave the submarine.

Getting into the vehicle.
Exiting the submarine via the landing pad exit.

When you’re out, go to the custom marker to reach the Paleto railway tunnels.

Go all the way to the left side to reach the tracks.
Going to the left side to reach the railway track.

When you reach the tunnel, go to the middle of the tunnel and stay there until you lose your wanted level.

Tunnel entrance.
Waiting inside the Paleto tunnel to lose the cops.

Once you’ve lost the cops, continue following the tunnel to get out on the other side. You will come across another tunnel and go through that as well.

When you cross the second tunnel, you will cross two railway bridges.

Cross them, and then you can go on the road to your left.

From here, you can safely drive to your Salvage Yard to complete this mission.

It will be a long drive back, but that’s about it.
Delivering the vehicle to the salvage yard.

Selling the Vehicle

Once you’ve acquired the vehicle, you can either sell the vehicle to Yusuf or salvage its parts for quick cash.

If you salvage the parts, you will get the cash instantly, which will be reduced by 20%. We do not recommend salvaging the car.

It is always best to sell the vehicle to Yusuf.

When you choose to sell the vehicle, you must drive it to the terminal. Ensure you do not hit anything when driving it to the terminal.

The total payment value of the car decreases with each hit.
Successfully drove the vehicle to the terminal without hitting it anywhere.

Cash Reward

  • Selling to Yusuf: $360,000
  • Salvaging Parts: $288,000

Bonus Challenges

Here’s the McTony Robbery Challenges:

  • No lives lost: $10,000
  • Find the Head of Security in 1 minute: $10,000
  • Over 15 Headshots: $10,000
  • All Challenges Completed: $20,000

Check out our guides on how to complete The Gangbanger Robbery, The Duggan Robbery, The Cargo Ship Robbery, and the Podium Robbery with all the bonus challenges.

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Hassan Sajid
Hassan Sajid // Articles: 106
Combining his engineering background with his lifelong gaming passion, Hassan creates deeply informative, technically comprehensive guides to help fellow players master GTA. // Full Bio