With The Chop Shop, Rockstar Games has added fresh heist-like robberies in GTA Online, offering players a chance to rake in cash every week. Players team up with the Yusuf Amir from GTA IV to carry out these robberies.
In order to start these robberies, players must own the Salvage Yard business in GTA Online. Unfortunately, there’s a limit of three robberies per week, and once completed, players must wait a week before diving back into the action.
Each robbery comes with a set of bonus challenges, dishing out $10,000 for each completed challenge and an extra $20,000 for completing all three. In total, players stand to make $50,000 by completing all the bonus challenges.
This guide walks you through the steps for completing The Duggan Robbery in GTA Online, along with tips for tackling its bonus challenges. For those who prefer a visual guide, we’ve included a video to assist you as well.
Scope Out: Maze Bank Arena
You can start the scope out mission by accessing the computer from your Salvage Yard.
When you go to the Maze Bank Area, you need to take a picture of three main points of interest.
Point of Interest 1
The first point of interest is the security camera at the entrance of the Maze Bank Arena.
Point of Interest 2
The second point of view is the backstage door inside the Maze Bank Arena. Enter the arena by avoiding the cones of vision of the security guards.
Point of Interest 3
The third point of interest is the rear exit. However, for some people, it is already registered and shows 1/3.
Some players have experienced not being able to find it as it is not marked on the map for them. If you have this bug too, don’t worry, here’s how to find it.
You need to go to the northern end of the Maze Bank Area, which is basically behind the Maze Bank Arena, and you will find a rear exit at a lower level.
Simply take a picture and send it to Jamal. If your game has already registered, it won’t show the option to send it to Jamal. In that case, you can capture the first two points of interest and be done with it.
Tasks are mandatory prep missions that you must do in order to carry out the robbery. Most of the tasks are mandatory, while one is always optional. The Duggan Robbery has two mandatory tasks and one optional task.
You will see a green highlighted circle when you get to the task location.
Task 1: LS Panic Trailer
In this task, you need to steal the LS Panic trailer. When you go to the location and start the task, you will be asked to break into a warehouse.
When you get inside, eliminate all the guards and be very careful of the guard with a shotgun.
Once you’ve eliminated all the guards inside, try to enter the LS Panic trailer. You will get a message that it is locked and that you must find the cab keys.
The cab keys are found inside the warehouse office. The exact location of the cab keys inside the office is always random (table, shelf, etc.), but it is always inside the office.
Once you’ve got the cab keys, return to the truck and enter.
When you exit the warehouse, you will have a 2-star wanted level. You need to lose the cops now.
After losing the cops, deliver the LS Panic trailer to the marked location.
Task 2: LS Panic Outfits
This task is an easy one. When you start this task, you must go to the clothing store.
When you enter the clothing store, you need to look for a purple duffle bag with the LS Panic outfits. The duffle bag is usually on the ground behind the cash counter.
Once you’ve picked up the outfits and exited the clothing store, you will get a 2-star wanted level.
Lose the cops and deliver the outfits to the Salvage Yard to complete this mission.
Task 3: Masks (Optional)
Masks are optional and only add an “aesthetic” to the whole mission. Whether you get the masks or not, it won’t affect your robbery in any way, shape, or form.
Plus, if you want a free set of masks for this robbery, you can get one from the mask shop at Vespucci Beach.
Planning Work
Planning works are the major prep missions for the final robbery.
You only get two mandatory planning missions and one optional planning mission designed to make the final robbery relatively easier for you.
Planning Work 1: Bypass Module
In this mission, you need to steal a bypass module. However, the location of the bypass module is unknown until you destroy three signal jammers around the city.
Although the mission is not timed, we recommend using a flying vehicle with a homing missile feature built-in, such as a Buzzard helicopter or an Oppressor Mark II.
Once you’ve destroyed all three signal jammers around the city, Jamal will send you the location of the Merryweather lockup housing the bypass module.
The lockup is heavily guarded. You will also find an armored vehicle with a mounted machine gun. Take cover and eliminate all the enemies.
Do not destroy the armored vehicle outside the lockup, as we will use it for cover against the enemies inside the lockup.
After eliminating everyone outside the lockup, destroy the control panel by the lockup shutter door.
The shutter door will open, and while it is opening up, quickly take cover by the armored vehicle.
There is a heavily armored juggernaut with a death machine inside and some more Merryweather guards.
The easiest way to take out this juggernaut is by using explosives. Use an RPG, a sticky grenade, or even a grenade launcher.
But the problem with the death machine is that you’re also exposed to the enemy firing you with theirs. And we all know the death machines can really deplete your health bar (Doomsday heist flashbacks).
Once you’ve taken out all the enemies, head inside the lockup and pick up the bypass module.
Deliver the bypass module to the salvage yard to complete this mission.
Planning Work 2: VIP Pass
In this mission, you need to acquire the VIP pass. You get it by breaking into the abandoned workshop of the Maze Bank Arena.
When you get to the workshop, sneak your way into the two ground floor offices to find a keycard to Peter’s office.
The keycard can spawn randomly in any of the ground floor offices, and it is not fixed which one gets the keycard. It is random every time you get this mission.
First, make your way to the middle by going over the railing to your left and down the small slope. You cannot jump over it, so you must walk around. Be careful of the security camera’s cones of vision and proceed to the office on the left.
When you get to the office, hack its keypad.
When you enter the office, you can usually expect the keycard to be on the work counter or the office desk.
Now we move to the next office. Both the offices are next to each other, side by side. However, to get to the office on the right, you will have to circle back and, go through the middle and walk up the little slope. This is because there is another security camera between both offices.
Hack the keypad of this office and check inside.
After acquiring Peter’s office keycard, you must go to his office.
Also, be careful of the camera facing the stairs leading up to Peter’s office.
The VIP pass inside Peter’s office is also in a random location, sometimes on the table, on the shelf, and sometimes on the TV stand.
When you pick up the VIP Pass, some guards will enter the workshop and try to take you down.
You don’t have to fight them as you can quickly leave the office, go downstairs, and leave the workshop.
Once you’re out, get in your vehicle and deliver the VIP pass to the Salvage Yard to complete this mission.
Planning Work 3: Disrupt Armor (Optional)
This is an optional mission, and you can skip it and go straight to the robbery if you’d like. But if you complete this mission, it will help you a lot during the final robbery.
Completing this mission will reduce the number of guards equipped with body armor inside the Maze Bank Arena during the robbery. Since you will get into a gunfight, it is be beneficial to do this optional mission.
You only get 10 minutes to complete the mission, so we recommend using a Buzzard or an Oppressor Mark II.
First, you need to make your way to the Duggans’ lockup, where you will find the first shipment. You will find two Duggan guards outside the lockup.
You will find three more guards inside the lockup.
After taking them out, use explosives to destroy the armor shipment. You can use any type of explosives, such as a sticky bomb, a grenade launcher, or even an RPG (given you’re at a safe distance).
Once destroyed, you need to look for a black folder (it can also be a clipboard, depending on what lockup location you get) that gives you the list of the remaining armor shipments and their locations. The folder is in a random place inside this lockup.
After reading the list, exit the lockup, fly to these armor shipments, and destroy them.
Once you’ve destroyed the remaining three shipments, your mission is complete.
The Duggan Robbery
After all the prep work, you can return to your computer at your Salvage Yard and ‘Start Robbery.’
First, you go to where you’ve parked your LS Panic trailer.
Get into the trailer and drive it to the Maze Bank Arena.
Go inside the Maze Bank Arena and walk up to the backstage door.
Once through, take the stairs down to your right.
You will find an elevator here.
Once you’re on the floor, you can start taking out the Duggans.
One of the bonus challenges is to get over 15 headshots, so try and achieve this if you want.
Take cover and slowly make your way into the private box while eliminating the Duggans.
Once you’ve taken out all the Duggans, use one of the telescopes to locate the Bravado Gauntlet Hellfire, which is already racing on the arena track.
The Gauntlet Hellfire is the one covered in orange and blue color.
Once located, you must now use the spectator tablet to control an EMP battle drone.
There is no need to make it difficult for yourself by flying the drone to the Gauntlet Hellfire. You can see the car as a blue vehicle icon on your minimap. Wait for it to come to you.
Once it gets close, ensure you’re aiming at the car and use the EMP to deactivate it. Getting it on your first attempt is also a bonus challenge.
After disabling the vehicle, take the door to the pit lane.
When you get to the pit lane, you will find more Duggan guards.
When inside the vehicle, you will get a prompt to install the bypass module.
You can keep track of the progress at the bottom-right corner of your screen.
This is also the way out. Once the installation is done, you can use this pit lane to exit the arena.
Once you’re out of the Maze Bank Arena, you need to drive the vehicle to your Salvage Yard. However, halfway through your drive, you will realize that there is a bomb in your Gauntlet Hellfire.
You will then get a 2-minute timer to take the car to Hao’s workshop to get the bomb defused and removed.
After the bomb removal, you can safely deliver the Bravado Gauntlet Hellfire to the Salvage Yard to complete this robbery.
Selling the Vehicle
You can sell this vehicle to Yusuf or salvage it quickly, but for less cash (20% decreased value).
If you want to sell it to Yusuf, you have to deliver the vehicle to the port so it is shipped to him. However, when driving it to the port, ensure you do not damage your vehicle.
Cash Reward
- Selling to Yusuf: $340,000
- Salvaging Parts: $272,000
Bonus Challenges
The following are the bonus challenges covered in this robbery:
- Over 15 Headshots: $10,000
- Disable target vehicle on first attempt: $10,000
- Reach Hao in 1 minute: $10,000
- All Challenges Complete: $20,000,/li>
Total bonus reward: $50,000.
Feel free to check out our guides on how to complete The Gangbanger Robbery, The Podium Robbery, The Cargo Ship Robbery, and The McTony Robbery with all the bonus challenges.