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Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid Walkthrough

From gathering equipment to infiltrating the farm, our step-by-step guide will get you through the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid!

Rockstar Games introduced the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid in Grand Theft Auto Online as a continuation of the Chop Shop update, where you team up with Vincent Effenburger, head of security at the Diamond Casino turned cop, to take down a drug operation. This raid is set of contact missions, including an intro mission, four setup missions, and a finale. 

While it may not be much of a conventional heist, The Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid is still lengthy and takes a fair bit of time to compete in the entire series. In this guide, we walk you through everything, including the intro mission, the setup missions, and the finale.

You can complete the finale in two ways: using either a silent or aggressive approach. To unlock silent approach though, you must do a specific step during one of the setup missions, which we cover below.

Silent vs. Aggressive Approach: This guide is based on the Silent approach, but it works just as well if you are doing the Aggressive approach. The only real difference is that if you are doing the Aggressive approach, some enemies will respawn. You can choose which approach to take by following the steps in the Setup: Disorganized Crime section below.

How to Start

To start the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid mission series, you must be in free roam and wait for Vincent’s call. It may be instantaneous or it may take up to 5 minutes from when you drop into GTA Online, don’t worry, as it is random. Once you get a call from Vincent, you will see a ‘V’ icon on the map where you can go and meet up with him to start your introductory mission, ‘Slush Fund.

Vincent’s location on the map after the call.

Slush Fund

After a small introductory cutscene, you must go to two money laundering businesses and steal the setup cash from them. You will get two locations – Location A and B. You won’t be able to use any flying vehicles, even if they’ve already been set as your “personal vehicle.” However, you can order any other land vehicle by calling the Mechanic from the contacts option.

You can choose any vehicle you’d like, but if you own an Armored Kuruma, use that to go to these locations to take out the enemies with almost full protection. You can shoot the gang members while sitting inside your Armored Kuruma and then enter the establishment to get the cash. The number of locations you get are based on the number of players you have in your party. For one or two players, you will get two locations. For three players, you will get three locations. And for four players, you will get four locations.

Stealing the cash.

You will also find more enemies inside the buildings as you steal the cash. Once you’ve stolen the cash from both locations, deliver it to Vincent’s Lockup to complete the mission.

Setup: Breaking and Entering

In this setup mission, you must go to two locations and steal some hacking equipment from a Terrorbyte and a laptop from a Cluckin’ Bell employee.


You can get any of the three random locations for the Terrorbyte, and at each of these locations, the Terrorbyte is at a fixed spot inside a yellow highlighted region. You can also find the Terrorbyte by looking for flying drones in the air. The drones are flying around and directly above the parked Terrorbyte. All three locations are in La Puerta and close to each other. The following are the locations of all three Terrorbytes at each location. The red dot represents the exact location of the Terrorbyte inside each area:

Location 1

Terrorbyte Location 1.

Location 2

Terrobyte Location 2.

Location 3

Terrobyte Location 3.

Once you get close to the Terrorbyte, it will appear on your minimap. You will see some drones flying around the Terrorbyte. Take them out. Be careful, as they deal a good amount of damage. Once you take one set of drones out, more will fly out of the Terrorbyte – this process will repeat three times.

After taking out the drones, enter the Terrorbyte and steal the hacking device. Next, you must go to the laptop.


The laptop can be found at the Del Perro Pier. However, there are eleven possible spawn locations for the Cluckin’ Bell employee who is holding it. When you get to the Pier, you will get a message from Vincent with the image of the employee you’re looking for.

When you pick up the laptop, the employee will become hostile. You can dismiss him by aiming your gun at him. He will quickly retreat, similar to other NPCs in GTA Online.

The laptop is always close to the employee, so it is easier to locate the employee and get the laptop. It will be highlighted on your minimap when you get close to the laptop.

The Cluckin’ Bell employee and the laptop near him.

The following map shows all the laptop locations at the Del Perro Pier. All you need to do is walk up to these eleven locations, and one of them will have the employee and the laptop. Once you’re close enough to any of these locations with the laptop, it will appear on your minimap.

All eleven possible laptop spawn locations.

When you’ve acquired the laptop, you must go to the cartel’s compound.

Cartel’s Compound

When you’re at the compound, you need to take out all the cartel members, and one of them will randomly drop the train key. Pick up the key and get inside the parked train. It is worth noting that if you have an Armored Kuruma, it will make this mission ten times easier for you. Regardless, you can always take cover and take your time with the cartel members. There are a lot of them.

When you’re inside the train, accelerate on the train tracks and keep going until you see a red highlighted region on your minimap. You will get a prompt to hack the train track signal lights whenever you’re inside this region. You must hack them to convert from red to green lights and keep your train going. If they are not hacked in time, the train will come to a complete stop, which leaves you vulnerable to enemy attacks.

As your train rushes through the tracks, you will be subjected to a lot of enemy fire, and slowing down in the middle of all that chaos is not a good idea. You can also have your snacks and armor menu up and use it whenever necessary to avoid death. The mission will complete once you reach the tunnels.

Setup: Concealed Weapons

When doing this mission, you can get three types of weapon loadouts and gear. You can choose from locations A, B, and C, each with its own set of weapons. The difficulty of getting these weapons goes up with how good they are. For example, location C has military grade weapons, and it is protected by military members with strong auto weapons. However, location B is the best location to get your weapon loadout and the required gear. 

This is because location B is: (1) near the city; (2) has one of the best loadouts for the stealth approach; and (3) has the required gear at the location. This is important because if you go to location A, you can only find the weapon loadout. For the gear, you will need to go to a different location, such as location B, so why not go directly to location B and get both the weapon loadout and the gear in one go? It is much more convenient and gives you a better loadout option anyway.

Here’s what each location has to offer:


  • Compact Rifle
  • Combat Pistol
  • Mini SMG
  • Crowbar
  • Molotovs


  • Heavy Rifle
  • Tactical SMG
  • Heavy Shotgun
  • Pipe Bombs


Location B is out in the sea on a yacht, and when you get to the beach, you can use one of the seasharks to get to the yacht. Once you board the yacht, all the enemies will be hostile towards you, and an enemy chopper will constantly spawn in to shoot you down. Take out the pilot to quickly eliminate the enemy chopper whenever one spawns, and slowly make your way upstairs.

Once you’re upstairs, take the yacht’s left side and go to its end. You will find the entrance to the living quarters to the right. Head inside, and you will see a blue marker directly to your right. This shortcut is to get to the lower level where the weapon loadout is. You do not have to fight the enemies when you’re at a lower level. It will just take up unnecessary time.

As soon as you’re inside, there will be two enemies. Take them out and pick up the loadout to your immediate right. Interact with the blue marker to go back up to the living quarters.

Once you’re back up, go straight and enter the first bedroom to your right. Take out the guard inside and pick up the gear on the desk. The gear is inside the red duffle bag resting on the desk. Once you’ve acquired everything, return to the seashark and go to land. From there, get back inside your vehicle and deliver the equipment and the gear to Vincent’s Lockup.

Once you’ve acquired at least one loadout and one gear, you can complete the mission without having to go to all other locations. This is why location B is the best, as you get the loadout and the gear. After delivering the equipment and gear, bring up your phone and go to text messages. It will automatically bring up the option to confirm the loadout and gear you will use during the finale.

If you’ve already done location B, you will only have the option for Professional weapon loadout and gear option. Select them both and select ‘Confirm’ to complete this mission.

Setup: Hit and Run

In this setup mission, you must steal a getaway vehicle and store it near the Cluckin’ Bell Farm. This vehicle will be used during the finale to escape the area. You will get three locations – locations A, B, and C. The best location to go to is location B. It is also run by the same “Professionals” that you stole the weapon loadout and gear. If you happen to steal the getaway vehicle from the same gang you stole the weapons from, they seem to have more security, and by more security, I mean a handful of extra enemies in the area.

Note that each of these three locations will also have one of three random vehicles that may spawn, and they are as follows:


  • The Declasse Tulip
  • The Declasse Moonbeam Custom
  • The Declasse Impaler LX



  • The Mammoth Patriot Mil-Spec
  • The Mammoth Squaddie
  • The Canis Terminus

Location B has the best vehicles for getaways, and stealing the vehicle from the site is not too difficult. When you get to location B, first take out all the enemies so it is easier to steal the vehicle. Besides, several obstacles are blocking the way out of the compound where the vehicle is parked. You need to clear the way to the ramp at the compound’s back to jump out of the area and drive away.

Once you’ve acquired the vehicle and get to the garage where you need to store it, you will be asked to repair it at the mod shop. The mod shop is right across the street. Go to the mod shop to repair the vehicle for free and then return to the garage to store it. Once again, you can store multiple getaway vehicles, but you must text Vincent to confirm what vehicle you will be using during the escape.

The mission will be completed after confirming your getaway vehicle.

Note that any extra getaway vehicles you steal will net you extra cash, albeit very little amount. For every extra getaway vehicle you have stolen, you will get around $5,000, which is not a lot. So, if you were to steal the vehicles from all three locations, you can expect an extra $10,000 for two cars.

Setup: Disorganized Crime

isorganized Crime is an important setup mission as it will determine the approach of your finale – stealth or aggressive. First, you must go to two different cartel vans driving around the city and hack them to find the location of the cartel’s garage. When you get close to the van, you must stay within a certain field shown around the van on your minimap to start hacking. During the hacking process, you can see your progress bar at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

It is easier to kill the guard and the driver, so the van stays still. This will make it much more convenient for you to hack the van. You won’t get any wanted level for this, so feel free to take out the driver and the guard. Once you’ve hacked it and eliminated the enemies inside the van, one of them will drop the Cluckin’ Bell outfit. Interact with it to put it on.

After hacking both vans, you will get the location of the cartel’s garage. You must do this silently when you’re inside without notifying any guards. You must also not leave any witnesses inside if you want to do the finale using the stealth approach. When you’re inside the garage, first take out your suppressed weapon and eliminate the guard directly in front of you and to your right at a distance.

Get down to where the delivery trucks are and take out the guard by the trucks. After that, wait for the patrolling guard directly ahead of you to go all the way to the left side and then take out the security camera just outside the office.

After removing the camera, eliminate the guard inside the office and the one by the metal shelf outside the office on the right side. After that quickly take out the patrolling guard on the left side. You must take him out before he turns around and walks back otherwise, he will discover the bodies of other guards.

Now, walk up to all the trucks and interact with them to sabotage them. Do not use any explosives, or it will alert the entire area. After sabotaging the delivery trucks, continue moving forward and up the small set of stairs. We will come back to the office in a little bit. First, continue moving forward and take out the two guards in the hallway.

After that, pre-aim while entering the first locker room to your right and take out the enemy inside the locker room. First, eliminate the guard on the left, as the guard on the right is in his cone of vision. And then take out the one on the right. After that, move on to the next locker room and take out both the guards standing next to each other. You need to be quick and take them out with a headshot.

Next up, pick up the drill machine resting on the Cluckin’ Bell crate right outside the second locker room. This is one of the two spawn locations for the drill machine. The second spawn location is the metal shelf outside the office.

Go to the office and interact with the computer to wipe the CCTV footage. This is an important step, as wiping the CCTV footage will determine whether you will get the stealth or the aggressive approach for the finale. If you miss this step before leaving this garage, the game will automatically determine that you’ve “chosen” the aggressive approach for the finale.

Deleting the CCTV footage to enable stealth approach for the finale.

Aggressive Approach: If you do any of the following then the Aggressive approach will be chosen for your finale instead of the Silent approach: Destruction of the delivery trucks rather than sabotage, failure to wipe the CCTV footage, and failure to eliminate witnesses in time.

You can return to the locker rooms and start drilling the lockers to find the keycard. But when you start drilling, you will notice two more guards will spawn immediately. When you see them spawn, quickly stop drilling and wait for the guard to enter your locker room. Each guard enters one of the locker rooms, guaranteed. When one of the guards enters yours, eliminate him, and then go to the other locker room and eliminate the other guard.

Now, you can safely drill the lockers to get the keycard. You can either stop drilling once you’ve acquired the keycard or continue drilling all the lockers for extra cash. However, it is not worth it. I recommend leaving as soon as you get your keycard. When you exit the garage, you will be asked to steal and deliver the flatbed to Vincent’s Lockup.

If you get this, you’ve successfully activated the stealth approach for the finale. This is because the flatbed has the Cluckin’ Bell delivery crates that will be used to get you inside the farm. Deliver the flatbed to Vincent’s Lockup to complete this mission.

The Finale: Scene of the Crime

When you spawn inside the farm, first go to the right side and take out the guard directly in front of you, the one on the right and the one patrolling on the elevated platform ahead of you – three guards in total. Afterward, you must destroy the fuse box on your left to proceed. But before you do that, open up your map and make sure that the second guard looks away and starts walking away from the first guard standing on the left as soon as you open the shutter door.

When you shoot the fuse box, the shutter door opens, and the guard on the left will start walking toward you. Take him out and continue moving forward. Once you’re through, take out the three guards at the start of the corridor. 

The guard that walked away will go to the end of the corridor and continue to walk back. You must not kill any more guards until the patrolling guard has passed all the other guards. Otherwise, he will detect the dead bodies of other guards, resulting in you failing the stealth approach. Wait for the guard to walk back toward you, and as soon as he walks past the guard on the left, you can take them out. The order should be the guard on the left, the walking guard, and the second guard on the left at the back.

After that, continue moving forward, but do not proceed any further. You can still take out two more guards at the end of the corridor. They are at the very end, so it may be a bit difficult to aim for their heads, but you cannot get any closer to take them out. They will start walking to the next area if you get any closer. It is not a big deal if they do, but take them out here as well for convenience. After that, go to the end of the corridor, and use the keycard to unlock the first coke storage area and enter. You will find one guard and two chemists inside. Take them out and start looting the cocaine. After looting the cocaine, go back up and continue moving forward.

When you enter the next area, kill the guard directly before you and wait for the second guard to walk toward you on the right side. There will be one more guard standing facing the wall. Do not kill him until the second guard comes walking toward you, otherwise the walking guard will detect his dead body. Once the second guard is here, kill both guards. After that, look behind you, and you will see another shutter door. Use the keycard on the keypad and enter the storage area.

There will be two more guards inside. Kill them and look for a crowbar. The crowbar is usually on one of the crates at the end on either side of the warehouse. If you’ve picked up the weapon loadout from location A, you would already have the crowbar in your inventory. But in our case, since we went with the professional loadout, we must get the crowbar.

Once acquired, use the crowbar to open the marked crates inside the warehouse to loot the cocaine. Two of the four crates will have the cocaine inside them, and it is always random. After that, exit the warehouse and continue moving forward toward the office.

One of the guards will be patrolling the area. Wait for him to return and go past you to your left. Kill him and continue moving forward. As you move forward, you will find two more guards. One will be standing, and the other will be moving. Wait for the moving guard to return, then take out the standing guard. After that, move forward and take out the guard guarding the office and the moving guard just past the office before he turns back.

To enter the office, you need the office keys. You can break open the office door lock, alerting the cartel and ruining your stealth approach. We’ve found two possible key spawn locations. The first is where you take out the walking guard just before you go through the corridor to the office. The second is back to where the second coke storage was. The keys are on the metal table in the corner. This is where we found ours.

Once you’ve acquired the keys, enter the office and interact with the computer to hack it. After that, you must use the hacking device to obtain the safe code. You can aim to bring up the hacking device. You will notice it has a signal strength bar. The signal strength will get stronger when you get closer to the source. When you’re in the right direction, the signal bar will turn blue, giving you an idea of where to go. And if you’re looking in the wrong direction, it will turn red.

The hacking device only points toward all the different computer devices inside the area. The bar turns green once you get close enough, and the safe code data is obtained. You need to do this three times to get the complete safe code. You just have to get close to the correct computer to obtain the safe code data, you don’t need to bring up the hacking device to “obtain” the safe code data.

Once you have the complete code, you can view it by bringing up your hacking device. Return to the office and use the safe code to open the safe and steal the cash. 

After stealing the money, exit the office and turn right. You will see another shutter door. Destroy the fuse box to open the shutter door and exit the building. Now, you must go to the getaway vehicle stored in the garage. Stick to the right side and continue moving towards your getaway vehicle.

After passing the Cluckin’ Bell delivery truck, you will find a guard to your right just around the corner. Kill him by taking a headshot. After that, take out the second guard by the vehicle in front of you. Run forward and take out the third guard standing by the dumpster. Then, kill the remaining two guards ahead of you. One will be walking toward you, and the other will be standing by the garage door where the getaway vehicle is.

Enter the getaway vehicle and exit the garage. The easiest way to lose the cops and not get detected by anyone is to exit the garage and follow the train tracks but take a right instead of the left. Keep going until you see one more cop on the train track, take him out from a good distance so the cops are not alerted of your position, and continue following the train tracks.

Continue following the train tracks until you reach Joshua Road in the Grand Senora Desert. You will see a clean road on your right where you can safely get on from the train tracks. Follow the road to the quest marker until you hear a dialogue from Vincent starting with “Look at you…” You won’t be able to lose the cops until you hear this dialogue. This is why it is pointless to try and lose the cops as soon as you exit the garage.

As you drive, you will come across some more cops on the road. Avoid their cones of visions and go off-road after hearing Vincent’s dialogue. You will eventually lose the cops. Once you’ve done so, have a peaceful drive back to Vincent’s Lockup to complete the finale!

If you still have questions about this raid, why not check our FAQ guide? It addresses many of the common inquiries posed by the community regarding the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid. You might just find the answers you’re seeking there.

Comments: 21 replies

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Avatar of Matt


46 messages 34 likes

Remember - you can't lose the cops at the end until you get the call from Vincent, so don't even try!

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Avatar of xXGameSlayerXx

Active member

118 messages 66 likes

Came on here hoping there was a guide for this. Boom always delivers! I will be doing this later tonight after work.

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Avatar of PixelPerfect

Active member

105 messages 55 likes

Have not done it solo for the hard mode yet. Going to try it this weekend. I felt like the entire thing was a bit lackluster but still you spend less time than doing other stuff so it was an easy score for me. I feel like they are planning on giving Vincent more things that you can do for him.

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Avatar of plasmapeacock


48 messages 19 likes

I learned this the hard way. I thought you legit had to lose them so I was trying and ended up dying 3 times before I figured it out lol

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Avatar of powerPlayer

Active member

117 messages 76 likes

So I thought I would ask this here. The second mission has me stuck. Not sure if this is a glitch or what but I tried a number of times and can't seem to find help for it either. I can get the key for the train but I can't actually board it. My character just walks around it. Any ideas about this?

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Avatar of SilentSniperAU


97 messages 59 likes

Vincent is the best part of this. At least we got to interact with a good character for it. I just wish the heist was overall more fun or interesting.

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31 messages 14 likes

You have to put a code in. Did you get the code and do that? I am wondering if you didn't do that and it is preventing you from boarding.

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Avatar of Hassan

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179 messages 185 likes

It has to be a glitch if you have picked up the key from one of the cartel members. You should be able to board!

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Avatar of Hassan

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179 messages 185 likes

There is no code for it, but a key that is dropped from one of the cartels guarding the train.

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Avatar of QuantumKoala


65 messages 29 likes

I was going to say, I did not have any sort of code pop up either. There are people reporting glitches about being stuck. Maybe the key is just not being dropped. I am sure if this is the case, they will fix it and patch the issue or already have in the last update.

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Avatar of theRealGamerGuy

Active member

102 messages 69 likes

When I played the farm part, I swear to you these guys were seeing me through walls. I don't know if it was glitched or what but I was not able to do the stealth the video shows. Is there like a point where you can be seen before something happens? I don't get it cause like the guy is right there and the enemies don't even react lol

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Avatar of BOOMbot


118 messages 63 likes

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from the community about the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid in GTA Online....

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Avatar of Hassan

Active member

179 messages 185 likes

This has been an issue with the NPCs in GTA Online. I've been in that position a lot, specifically during the Diamond Casino heist and the Cayo Perico heist. It seems to be random!

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Avatar of MeteorMuffin23


53 messages 17 likes

What about the bonus? I heard there was a bonus for this but I never got it even after completing the raid. I heard there is a one time bonus you get after completing the Finale.

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Avatar of Hassan

Active member

179 messages 185 likes

Yes, you do get a first-time finale completion bonus of $250k. It is not shown directly on the screen, so you might have missed it. It is just a quick addition to your current balance at the top right corner of the screen, where it shows your money.

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Avatar of theRealGamerGuy

Active member

102 messages 69 likes

Yeah cause the second and third time I did this, it did not happen. I never had this happen before though so I guess I lucked out until this one time.

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Avatar of MeteorMuffin23


53 messages 17 likes

I wonder if there is a way to tell if I got it or not on the back end. I can't remember if my balance changed from that or not. I was not paying any attention to the corner of the screen. I feel like I didn't get it but who knows.

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Avatar of Hassan

Active member

179 messages 185 likes

Yeah, it kinda sucks we can't check the history. I wish there were a way. Currently, the only way I can think of is if someone was, by any chance, screen recording where they could check the before and after, ahah!

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Avatar of PixelPerfect

Active member

105 messages 55 likes

I did manage to complete this on hard after a handful of tries. It seems like the shooters were being a bit more random on hard, likely intentional. It wasn't "hard" compared to other heists but there are tedious points where I kept getting killed and I couldn't figure out how cause I had cover. No one should have seen me. I got it done though so I am glad.

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Hassan Sajid
Hassan Sajid // Articles: 106
Combining his engineering background with his lifelong gaming passion, Hassan creates deeply informative, technically comprehensive guides to help fellow players master GTA. // Full Bio